我的小黑 SE V802 跟了我好一陣子,陪著我到最多的國家,但因為本身是水貨,所以沒有注音在鍵盤上
「Eric,你們那邊第二廠的隔壁公司廠房鬧罷工,請留意」跟小朋友瞭解過情形以後,抓著筆記本往外跑時就遇到了老闆 *
『所以訴求點就兩點?好』 老闆邊講手機邊進來..
老實說,fallout、fallout 2我都沒有玩過,都是看同學玩的(這兩個都是很重要的朋友,雖說一個失蹤了)
我個人是把fallout tatics玩到爛掉,到昨天晚上也都還在玩,而這個fallout3出來了,是該帶著懷念過去美好時光的心情來玩新遊戲?
還是繼續在反覆重玩fallout tatics當中找尋過去的記憶?
How long has it been in development?
Since 2004.
Where does Fallout 3 take place?
In the Capitol Wasteland in and around Washington, DC.
When does Fallout 3 take place?
In 2277, 200 years after the bombs fell and 30 years after Fallout 2 took place.
What is Fallout 3 rated?
Fallout 3 has been rated M for Mature (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs) by the ESRB.
What are the PC system requirements?
Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
Is Fallout 3 a Games for Windows games? Will it require Vista?
It will be a Games for Windows title. Fallout 3 will work on PCs running either Windows XP or Vista.
Will Fallout 3 include multiplayer?
No, Fallout 3 is a single-player game only.
What perspective do I play the game in, first or third-person?
Both. The game is meant to be played first person. However, you can toggle the view with the press of a button/key to an over-the-shoulder view that can be zoomed in/out on your character. Both views are available throughout the entire game.
Will an editor be available?
At this time we cannot confirm whether an editor will be available for the PC version.
Does the story in Fallout 3 pick up where Fallout 2 ended?
No, the story in Fallout 3 is a different story unto itself and isn't directly connected to any of the other storylines. Obviously it builds on the lore and history of Fallout, but you don't have to have played the previous Fallout games to know what's going on in this one.
I have lots of ideas and questions, where do I send them?
We encourage you to register on our official forums and post your ideas and questions in the Fallout 3 section, where our fans and developers share and discuss ideas and answer questions about the game and what they'd like to see.
Are those real screenshots or are they renders?
All the screenshots are 100% authentic screenshots taken while playing the game.
Where can I get more information on the game?
Continually visit our website and check our previews and interviews sections. Information will slowly be revealed on the game until it is released. You can also check our Blog which is regularly updated with insights and opinions from members of the development team.
How can I sign up to beta test Fallout 3?
We have no plans to do external beta testing.
Where can I get more information on the game?
Check out our official site, fallout.bethsoft.com, where we continually update our sections for art, previews, interviews, and more. You can also visit PrepareForTheFuture.com to explore all the different channels and get a taste of what to expect in the game or visit our Blog which is regularly updated with insights and opinions from members of the development team.
Ohh! Fresh chapter snuck up! When You Wish Upon a Beard, drawings everywhichway.
open the book ¤ the book?? ¤ but the soundtrack??!
這是最近在灌ubuntu時所得到的意外收穫:我尋覓已久的夢幻文字編輯器 MadEdit
有沒有太誇張?真的沒有太誇張,我為了找一個好用的文字編輯器大概也尋覓了三五年之久。是我太挑嗎?我一點也不覺得,因為在我認為一個稱職的text editor只要有幾個功能就完美了
有多好我一樣是懶得說了,但特別介紹一下column mode好了,這是我選擇它的最最主要因素
先說一下什麼是Column mode好了,下圖應該可以窺知一二
原本有個人很無恥的寫了一整排 Eric is a handsome boy!!,後面的人來看了深深不以為然,決定在每一句上面都改一下來撥亂反正
於是就很輕巧的啟動了column mode,打上了「not」,噢不,是打上了「no doubt」,改了一行就全部都改正了
但可別小看這個動作,眾多免費Editor都辦不到... 目前純粹文字編輯器當中,我所知道只有UltraEdit能這樣辦到
PSPAD:天生沒法 Notepad++: column mode彆腳的很,沒法做insert的動作